Neighborhood Watch
The relative safety for residents of the community are crucial to maintaining a higher quality of life. The neighborhood watch members strive to work with all stakeholders including law enforcement, community organizers and residents to facilitate needed processes and data collection to ensure the safety of all those in our community.
A neighborhood watch program is currently under development and it is hoped that as a Mordecai resident you are reading this to help keep our community safe. The items highlighted below are simply guidelines and suggestions on getting our community watch program off the ground. The intention of these items is not to force anyone to do anything but to help aid discussions and develop a frame work to work from. All comments and suggestions are welcome and together we can all make a difference.
Improving our quality of like through protection of community and individual property.
The Mordecai Community Watch Shall:
- Meet Quarterly, with 2 face to Face Meetings yearly
- Meeting attendees will include, but not be limited to :
- Community Watch Chair
- Block Captains
- Raleigh Police Department (RPD) representative
- RPD representatives must attend at least 2 meetings per year
- Community members
- Meeting Content/Agenda
- Crimes reported
- Data can be obtained from the Raleigh Crime Mapping Link
- Click on Wake County Mapping. Go to the crime option in the right hand side of the screen
- Input from neighbors in the area
- Any action from previous meeting
- Any action items to move forward to next meeting
- Community Watch Chair Shall
- Provide update on entire area
- Track crime statistics for entire area and present to those in attendance
- Approved input from those in attendance will be added to the report to the CAC at large.
- Crimes reported
- Meeting attendees will include, but not be limited to :
- Recruit and maintain the Block Captains to ensure coverage of community
Community Watch Chair:
The Community watch chair is elected every two years by members of the Neighborhood Watch, and is designated to be the primary point of contact for RPD and CAC. The chair maintains records and reports directly to the Mordecai CAC Co-Chairs on items of interest, providing quarterly updates to be included in the newsletter. The chair is also responsible for formulating policies and procedures to enforce the vision of the Community Watch. The chair must conduct quarterly meetings and assist block captains as needed.
Block Captains:
As a block captain will be the eyes and ears of a particular “block” or area. Block captain’s help to ensure that safety becomes a priority in their specific area. Should residents need a safety resource, they should contact the block captain for assistance or ideas.