
Welcome to the Mordecai CAC Traffic updates page. For more information or to get involved, please contact Philip Bernard- Traffic Chair

Fall 2019/Spring 2020:

Traffic news: The "Road Diet" project which many of you have been hearing about for years (12 YEARS!), finally took place in the fall of 2019 and continued into 2020. Wake Forest Road went on a "Road Diet" by reducing to three lanes and two bike lanes. One lane each direction, turn lane in the center, two bike lanes.

The entire Person/Blount corridor and our section of Wake Forest Road is included in this project. The roads have been repaved and temporarily restriped. Final striping will be placed in the spring of 2020. Eventually, the Person/Blount corridor will be two way roads.

We hope that you will educate yourself about the road project, so you can help neighbors understand what is going on.

Here is the official City of Raleigh page for the Person/Blount Corridor

If you have questions and want to be involved with the Traffic Committee, please connect with

Philip Bernard- Traffic Chair

For information about traffic calming, four way stops, etc., please read this article from the City:

For information about the Person Street District permit parking program, click here:

Pictured above, Philip and members of the MCAC leadership team discussing the Person Street Corridor Proposal, December 2012.