Announcing the start of a new study on Capital Boulevard
Post date: May 24, 2011 12:53:38 AM
CAC Leaders got the following email today...
CAC Leaders got the following email today...
The North Carolina Department of Transportation is beginning projects to replace the bridge on Capital Boulevard over Peace Street and the bridge on Capital Boulevard at Wade Avenue. You are receiving this email because you signed in at the City of Raleigh’s October 2010 workshop for the Capital Boulevard Corridor Study. Although the NCDOT bridge replacement projects are separate from the City’s corridor study, we recognize that many people who have expressed interest in the larger corridor study may also be interested in the bridge replacement projects.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation is beginning projects to replace the bridge on Capital Boulevard over Peace Street and the bridge on Capital Boulevard at Wade Avenue. You are receiving this email because you signed in at the City of Raleigh’s October 2010 workshop for the Capital Boulevard Corridor Study. Although the NCDOT bridge replacement projects are separate from the City’s corridor study, we recognize that many people who have expressed interest in the larger corridor study may also be interested in the bridge replacement projects.
If you would like to be added to NCDOT’s mailing list to receive information about the bridge replacement projects, please respond to this email with your name and physical mailing address. NCDOT will not be distributing information via email for this project. Announcements of upcoming meetings will also be published in the News & Observer. A website has been developed for the bridge replacement project:
Email - to be added to the mailing list.