Capital Boulevard Corridor Study - Meeting Notes from Workshop
Post date: Jun 26, 2010 2:09:42 AM
As the most heavily-traveled gateway into downtown Raleigh, Capital Boulevard looms large in the landscape of the city.Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan identifies the corridor as the site of new mixed-use development, transportation enhancements,water quality improvements, and new linear open spaces. Significant constraints stand in the way of these goals, yet themagnitude of the opportunities argue for a fresh rethink of the function and appearance of the corridor. A twelve-month studyculminating in a conceptual plan and framework will provide a significant first step in this direction.
From the 150 person audience, there was many residents from the Mordecai CAC Neighborhoods. Including Philip Bernard, Reid Serozi, TIna Govan, Bennett Emory, Rebekah Weberr, Mike Earp and Sarah Roholt.
After the informative presentation, we started providing our comments as a small focus group by answering the following questions. We were given a large map, and resource book to help with the discussions.
Do the scope and study area make sense? What would you modify?
- Yes, the scope makes sense.
- The scope needs to include the peace street exit area heading towards Seaboard Shoppes.
- Include all access points to Capital Bld, for example Atlantic Ave
- Increase traffic capacity on Capital and decrease traffic on nearby arteries into downtown. For example Wake Forest Road into Blount Street. The project should not result in additional traffic being shifted to other arteries.
- There is no residential connection between neighborhoods on the east and west side of Capital Blvd. For example; Mordecai CAC Neighborhoods and Five Points CAC Neighborhoods
Did we miss any issues? What would you add? Which are most important?
- Lack of pedestrian Access
- Again, there is two dense neighborhoods on both sides of Capital Blvd with a canyon separating both areas.
What are the best opportunities for positive change
- Restoration of the Pigeon Creek green way corridor
- Connect the two major dense neighborhoods on either side of Capital Blvd.
What constraints stand in the way of realizing the opportunities.
- Coordination of the involved parties . For example, Rail, NCDOT, Local Polotics
Phase 1: Project Scoping • Internal Working Group Brainstorming • Governmental Stakeholder Roundtable • Public Workshop (June 2010) • Refined Scope and Study Area
Phase 2: Inventory and Analysis
• Transportation Conditions
• Environmental Conditions
• Infrastructure
• Economic and Market Analysis
• Soft Site Analysis
• Urban Design Inventory
• Issues and Opportunities Report
• Public Design Workshop
Phase 3: Options
• Land Use Scenarios
• Transportation Improvements
• Open Space and the Public Realm
• Green and Gray Infrastructure
• Implementation Options
• Governmental Stakeholder Presentation
• Public Meeting & Input
Phase 4: Recommendations and Report
• Future Transportation Studies and Projects
• Open Space Plan
• Capital Projects
• Zoning Recommendations
• Renderings and Sketches
• State-level Regulatory or Policy Needs
• Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Note that a full year is proposed to complete the study, from
project initiation to delivery of a draft report to the City Council
and Planning Commission.
The final report is due April 2011
Additional Resources