North Blount Traffic Concern
Post date: Feb 24, 2010 4:02:55 AM
Residents have reported the following traffic concern:
"The "S" from Wake Forest to Blount (where WF turns into Blount heading south) tends to be dangerous. People coming from Pilots Mills or Mordecai don't realize, or ignore the fact, that N. Blount traffic does not have the right-of-way at that intersection. In fact, N. Blount has a red Yield sign, which infers that you really ought to be making a hard stop." - Mordecai CAC Resident
Action Taken
Philip Bernard, MCAC Traffic, has notified the Traffic Division of the Public Works Department. Currently under review by the Traffic Engineering Division.
Update! - March 12th 2010
From Transportation Analyst (City of Raleigh's Public Works Department), "We are investigating the intersection of Blount St and Delway St. The signs should be updated this summer."