Peace Street Corridor Visioning Study
Post date: Sep 7, 2011 1:28:43 AM
The Raleigh City Council wants to receive comments from owners and residents in the Peace Street corridor on a visioning study done on the area. Council members voted unanimously today to authorize City staff to proceed with a public involvement process for the Peace Street Corridor Visioning Study.
The visioning study recommends streetscape and transportation improvements for Peace Street from West Street to Person Street. The improvements would enhance the corridor as a complete street and support private redevelopment efforts. JDavis Architects worked with the City of Raleigh to develop the Peace Street Corridor Visioning Study as a pro bono project. The study was presented to the City Council in May.
To begin the process of getting citizen input on the Peace Street Corridor Visioning Study, City staff plans to present the study to the public during an open house on the Capital Boulevard Corridor Study. That open house is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 29 at Meymandi Concert Hall in the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts. A community meeting on the visioning study is planned for October at a location in the Peace Street corridor area.
Key recommendations in the Peace Street Corridor Visioning Study are:
- Redesign the Capital Boulevard/Peace Street interchange to improve traffic flow and enhance and promote safe pedestrian and cycling traffic in the Peace Street Corridor;
- Improve pedestrian and bicycle accommodations;
- Encourage Triangle Transit to locate a Downtown transit station on or in close proximity to the CSX rail bridge over Peace Street;
- Explore the potential for a mid-block urban greenway with direct access from Peace Street, extending from the Seaboard commercial area south into Downtown at Harrington Street;
- Explore roadway improvements at the intersection of Peace Street with Wilmington, Salisbury and Halifax streets, including a roundabout;
- Reduce Peace Street to three lanes between Wilmington Street and Person Street; and,
- Extend North Harrington Street one block north to intersect with Peace Street.
For more information: Ken Bowers, Deputy Planning Director, 516-2626